Neurofeedback Therapy
Retrain the Brain to Control and Regulate Cognitive Issues With Neurofeedback Therapy
What Is Neurofeedback Therapy?
Neurofeedback literally means “brain” and “input”, where the brain is monitored and input is given instantly. Neurofeedback therapy trains the brain to better control and regulate a wide number of cognitive issues. Much like training the body through physical exercise, training the brain with cognitive therapy can help it to learn and function better. We utilize advanced technology at our facility to provide cognitive training to our patients.
This treatment is sought by parents who don’t want to put their children on medication, adults not seeing results from counseling and medication, and veterans seeking to improve their civilian life. Wherever you may be in life, you don’t need a diagnosis for us to determine via EEG if you can benefit from this treatment.

How It Works
Using non-invasive surface sensors placed on the scalp, our advanced system is able to translate brain waves onto our computer screen for observation. The sensors do NOT utilize the application of electrical current. They are simply collecting the signals coming from the brain and translating them to the computer screen for observation. These observations allow our certified neurofeedback technician the ability to identify specific abnormalities.
Visual feedback to the brain waves are provided instantly in the form of a movie. The movie only plays when the patient produces the correct brain wave. With guidance from our team, you will learn to retrain your brain to fight off cognitive conditions and symptoms.

Neurofeedback Targets the Four Primary Brainwaves (Alpha, Beta, Delta, Theta)
Each of these brainwaves is responsible for regulating the active and subconscious aspects of your body.
- Delta brainwaves are associated with deep, dreamless sleep and regeneration. Delta brainwaves occur when you are asleep and are responsible for healing the body.
- Theta brainwaves are associated with light sleep or extreme relaxation. When your subconscious takes over, you start producing Theta brainwaves.
- Alpha brainwaves occur when you are awake but relaxed and not processing much information. When you first get up and right before you fall asleep, you are generating Alpha waves as well as when you close your eyes to rest.
- Beta brainwaves are associated with the mental state most people are in during the day and most of their waking lives. When you are alert and focused, you are producing Beta brainwaves.
While each of these brainwaves is responsive for different body functions, they all are equally important to your health and well-being. Researchers have known for decades the correlation between irregular brainwaves and common neurological conditions. Neurofeedback Therapy is the first field to directly target these irregular brainwaves and restore them to normal ranges. Over or under active wavelengths can translate into commonly struggled with issues: lack of focus, hyperactivity, mood swings, struggles sleeping, etc.
Neurofeedback Therapy Can Help With Many Brain Related Issues Including:
In Adults
- Anxiety & Depression
- Brain Injuries & Concussions
- Fibromyalgia & Chronic Pain
- Memory Loss
- Sleep Disorders
In Children
- Anxiety & Depression
- Behavioral & Emotional Issues
- Learning Disabilities
- Memory Problems
- Sleep Disorders
Treat ADHD Without Medication Using Neurofeedback Therapy
Several studies show that neurofeedback therapy can help with ADHD symptoms. Patterns shown by our neurofeedback technology reveal when the brain is in a focused and attentive state and vice versa. The most common patients treated for ADD/HD are children when they reach school age. Their brains are still developing and parents are reluctant to introduce medication and rightfully so. Neurofeedback therapy is a safe non-invasive strategy to help your child or yourself cope with life in a way that promotes healthy behavior.
When the brain deviates from wave patterns that support normal behavior (being able to focus, etc.) that wave pattern is interrupted in several ways by the neurofeedback therapy technology. Over time these interruptions train the brain to operate in appropriate wavelengths and patterns. This results in the ability to still when you need to, focus on learning when necessary, and feel at peace when there isn’t anything to worry about. These are natural operations in the brain that could have been modified by environmental factors, chemical changes, or trauma. Helping the brain return to these patterns affects areas of one’s life from sleep to eating habits and beyond.
Neurofeedback Therapy & Biofeedback Studies
Over 1,000 studies have been published related to neurofeedback and biofeedback. We have seen incredible results for with patients 5 years old on into the aged years (60+). We give our patients their best environment for healing and improving mental health by using Live O2 oxygen therapy, nutritional guidance and supplementation, and chiropractic alongside neurofeedback therapy. We want to see our patients live their happiest healthies life! You can browse many research articles on this site for specific conditions by visiting the Clear Mind Connections research pages.

Ready To Learn How We Can Help You?
If you are looking to improve your mental health and cognitive function, Neurofeedback therapy at Carolina Chiropractic Plus can help. Schedule your appointment today to learn more about this innovative treatment.