Custom Foot Orthotics
Digital Foot Scan for Custom Made Orthotics
Enhance Comfort and Support with Custom Foot Orthotic
There are 26 bones in the foot and each one is capable of causing dysfunction. Millions of Americans each year complain of having pain in their feet, ankles, hips, and back. Your feet are the foundation of your entire body and have a direct impact all the way through the spine. Stabilizing your postural foundation will not only help relieve pain and stress in your feet but can also aid in pain felt in the lower back and spine.

Common Types of Foot Pain are:
Heel Pain: If pain is located in your heel, you may have a condition called plantar fasciitis. Plantar fasciitis is an inflammation of the band of tissue (fascia) that reaches from the heel to the toes and supports the muscles and arch of the foot. Proper orthotics can help to alleviate and possibly eliminate this pain.
Ball of Foot Pain: Ill-fitting shoes are often the cause of this type of pain. Strenuous activity can also be the cause as a result of unusual stress caused by running or jumping.
Arch Pain: Plantar fasciitis is also the most common cause of this type of pain. It affects the heel, arch or both. It is important to see us right away if you are feeling this type of pain for an extended period of time.
Toe Pain: Although not always the case, gout (a form of arthritis) can cause pain in the toes. Avoiding specific types of food as guided by the doctors at Carolina Chiropractic Plus along with rest and ice can help to alleviate the symptoms of gout.
We Scan Your Feet to Provide Foot Orthotics that are Far Superior to the Store-bought Brands

At Carolina Chiropractic Plus, we provide a digital gait analysis that is an innovative comprehensive biomechanical analysis of a person’s gait cycle. With over 5000 sensors and a 300 frame per second scan rate, a complete assessment of the dynamic motion and function of the kinetic chain from the foot, ankle, knee and up to the hips can be made. This advanced system helps to identify even minor flaws in mechanics that contribute to and can cause painful conditions in the foot, knee, hips or low back. The measurements are easy and completed in only a matter of minutes with the patients remaining in the stocking feet. From this evaluation, a recommendation for custom built orthotics can be made.
Customized prescriptive orthotics are individualized inserts that are designed to control and support abnormal motion and stress in the feet and the kinetic chain. Typically made of molded plastic or carbon fiber, each insert is built and designed for the needs of each individual. The feet are the base of the entire “kinetic chain” above it, connecting the foot, ankle, knee, hips, sacrum/pelvis and low back. Abnormal motion such as pronation (flat feet or fallen arches) or supination (high arches or a rigid foot) causes stress through the entire chain that results in injuries like bunions, shin splints, plantar fasciitis, knee pain, heel spurs, knee and hip arthritis and even back pain. Prescriptive custom orthotics support and restore normal motion and may be the essential element in any corrective therapeutic plan.

Ready To Learn How We Can Help You?
If you are experiencing foot pain or discomfort, Custom Foot Orthotics may be the solution you need.
Our experienced team is here to help you achieve better foot health and improved comfort.