Do You Suffer From?
- Chronic or Worsening Knee Pain
- Arthritis or Bursitis
- Knee Pain When The Weather Changes
- Increased Pain When Being Active
Then we’re here to help you find the relief you deserve!
Book Your Knee Pain Relief Consultation Today
Examination, X-rays & Report of Findings for only $79
(Original Value of $250)
Don't keep living with knee pain, click below to get started on the road to lasting relief.
Schedule Online(704) 538-4027What Is Our Approach To Knee Pain?

Knee pain can be caused by many factors and that’s why we always begin with a comprehensive evaluation to find the origins of the issue. Understanding where range of motion, muscle deficits, and inflammation are occurring, signal to us where the problem lies, so that we can find a lasting solution and return to function. In conjunction with imaging and a consultation with the doctor, a first visit in our office often yields answers that patients have been trying to find for years.
Treating knee pain in this office for 25 years, we have accumulated state of the art technology to assist our expertise in getting our patients lasting results. We are specialized in helping people avoid surgery and medication with answers that treat the pain but focus on functional restoration.

Starting With Pain Relief And Tissue Healing
Pain is the most inspiring point in injury for the patient but ultimately it isn’t our primary focus. We take our patient’s results beyond pain relief to reaching results that change their ability to enjoy their daily lives.
The therapies we use are a part of a protocol designed specifically to address their individual issue.
Infrared Laser: This incredible anti-inflammatory treatment is utilized to bring down swelling, increase blood flow, and relieve pain on and around the knee. The subsequent increase in tissue healing speeds up recovery and function.
Cryofos: Using subzero compressed CO2 to bring inflamed tissues down in swelling, Cryofos is more effective and long-lasting than a standard icing strategy. Cryotherapy also relieves pain while increasing mobility and range of motion.
Rapid Release Technique: High-frequency vibration massage that relieves tension in muscles by penetrating deeper into the tissues than can be accessed by hand massage. Breaking up scar tissue and relaxing the muscle the rapid release therapy assists in creating flexibility in the mechanics of the knee.
Rebuilder: Utilizing electrical stimulation, Rebuilder increases blood flow ad and relieves pain in the attaching ligaments that hold the knee in an appropriate mechanical position.
Dry Needling: Similar to acupuncture in style but different in technique, this type of needle needle-based therapy focuses on localized muscle and nerve restoration.
Book Your Knee Pain Relief Consultation Today
Examination, X-rays & Report of Findings for only $79
(Original Value of $250)
Don't keep living with knee pain, click below to get started on the road to lasting relief.
Schedule Online(704) 538-4027Biomechanical Alignment
Through extensive specialization in the appropriate mechanical positioning and kinesthetic tracking the doctors in this practice, set the knee in position, to achieve functional movement. The spine is a system that balances from top to bottom. A shift in one part of the body causes a chain effect to the rest of the body. Likewise instability at the foundation of the body causes problematic coping above the unstable area. Our doctors have exclusive training in sports movements and injury, as well as, techniques to relieve soft tissue disorders. Ensuring the entire body is in alignment is integral to success with extremity alignment.
Active Release Technique: This is a localized trained technique to release bound muscle, increase range of motion and action within the muscle.
Kinesiology Tape: As an added support to hold the knee in position and train movement, the doctors in our office are experts at applying this, specific to the needs of the patient, in the early stages of care.

Ensuring the appropriate mechanics is one step in our process, but maintaining the results we create with our patients is the other. Relieving pain fades to increased function which then progresses to building back the necessary foundation to prevent future injury. With a full rehabilitation suite at our disposal, we can help our patients see lasting results.
- Vibe Plate
- Therabands
- Precor
- Balance Training
- Rehabilitative Training and Guidance

Ready To Learn How We Can Help You?
We are dedicated to offering our patients the best treatments available by using the highest grade cutting edge technology at our state-of-the-art facility. You can call, email or schedule an appointment online today to take the first step towards treatment. We know you will appreciate the comfortable, easy, tranquil environment we have created for you.